Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Old South Church in Boston decides to sell extremely rare book.

How rare?

Published in Cambridge, MA, in 1640, the psalm book was the first book published in British North America. It became a standard bearer for all other psalm books used throughout the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

Eleven copies remain in existence today, yet all are held by major institutions, and no copy has been sold since 1947.

The Old South Church's congregation voted overwhelmingly on Sunday to sell one of the two copies they possess as a means to make money for potential repairs for the church, which was built in 1873 and in need of $7 million in repairs.

Early estimates suggest the psalm book might fetch $10 to $20 million at auction.

In other words, if we pool our money together we might be able to afford half a page.

photo: WBUR

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