Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Homeless Connecticut woman enrolls child in kindergarten, is arrested.

Tanya McDowell is homeless. She often lives in a van when she isn't sleeping on people's couches. Her last known address was in Bridgeport, CT, a city not known for its wealth or high-quality public school system.

So when McDowell's five year old son was set to head off to kindergarten recently, McDowell decided to use the address of a babysitter she uses as her child's permanent address. The babysitter lives in the more affluent Norwalk, CT. This is a serious crime apparently.

When McDowell was found to be homeless--or, rather, that her last permanent address was in Bridgeport--her son was kicked out of his Norwalk school, and she was arrested and charged with trying to steal upwards of $16,000 in free education for her son.

Such a larceny charge isn't a small-time matter either, because that $16,000 claim equals a lot of jail time. McDowell faces 20-years in jail and a $15,000 fine if found guilty.

In case you're keeping count, here's the unofficial American Prison Tally as of December 4, 2012:

Number of homeless mothers trying to get their child an education potentially going to jail:   1

Number of bankers responsible for shady lending practices that partially led to a nationwide economic collapse potentially going to jail:   0

photo: Associated Press

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