Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Website tracks rate of swearing on Twitter.

There are two types of language in the world. Swearing and unimportant stuff.

WTFLevel.com is a website that monitors the good stuff, like the amount of creative linguistics occurring on Twitter. If you feel like your friends are particularly punchy with their Tweets on a given evening, odds are WTFLevel has registered their sass.

There are Homeland Security Warning-like threat levels, ranging from Mostly Polite to Oh &@#?@&!.

According to the data, we're a largely friendly people first thing in the morning. Give us a cuppa joe and a shower and we're like a Touched by an Angel episode. But by the evening we've quickly turned into a Quentin Tarantino script.

And in statistics that'll surprise no one with a sense of reality, WTFLevel says Twitter was the chirpiest ever on November 6, 2012, when three of the four most swearingest individual hours--and four of the four swearingest 6hr windows--all occurred the same day in the history of their monitoring.

That'd be election day.

photo: DesignTaxi

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