Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sulphur never tasted so good.

It's another Charles Kuralt essay, this time on making sorghum. Stick around to about the 1:30 mark for the brief interview with the molasses maker. He went to the Maya Angelou school of slow talkers. (You---just---wonder---what---they'll---say---next---because---even---the---mundane---sounds---exceptionally---important.) And it's worth it just to hear his wife interject constantly with little bon mots like "A good cow butter!"

Also, that's quite possibly the greatest tune to ever come out of Tennessee. Banjos and twangy voices never had a better subject matter.

You will hum this song for the rest of the day. Don't blame me. Blame Charles Kuralt.

I like molasses, good ol' country sorghum...

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