Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fashionable Words: Jamoke

[Sometimes words die out of fashion. But sometimes those words are good words, words with a certain appeal that can't be denied forever. Those words should be brought back into fashion, used frequently and used often. These are those words.]


Definition:   noun
1.  Coffee.

2.  An individual who isn't particularly intelligent.

Some say it started in the 1800s, others say the 1900s--but all agree it's an Americanism blending together the words java and mocha.

Professor Jonathan Lighter once suggested that the word started as a nautical term bandied about by sailors in World War I as a nickname for the not-so-bright amongst them. Picture Curly from The Three Stooges in a sailor hat.

Meanwhile, the good folks at Merriam-Webster don't even acknowledge the definition of jamoke as a reference to human beings. They're a very polite crowd over there.

What we do know is that somewhere between 1880 and 1915, the word gained traction not as a reference to coffee but as a signifier of an average, plain, boring, kind of dumb guy.

Somehow, by the 1960s, jamoke turned into slang for the male anatomy. Use your imagination, or tune into Skinimax sometime after midnight for a visual description.

Most obscure definition of jamoke:

10.  A person who thinks they are better than others. Example: the man who works out and then walks around everywhere with a cut off tee.

Used in a sentence:
1.  Some jamoke just walked right out in front of my car, and I nearly hit him!

2.  All of these jamokes have an opinion on why the Red Sox season was an epic failure!

[It's probably best to use jamoke in an excited manner. Throw an exclamation point into your voice when using it.]

Word Awesomness Scale (1 to 5):

Jamokes never use the word jamoke.

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