Friday, September 28, 2012

Today is Ask a Stupid Question Day.

According to Wikipedia
, the holiday was created by teachers in the 1980s to get their students to ask more questions.

Okay, I'll play along:

In the oldies song "Who Put the Bomp," what exactly is a 'bomp' anyway? Or a 'shoo'?

Where was Baby New Year born? I assume Sheboygan.

What did the ending of 2001: A Space Odyssey mean? Is there a gigantic space baby floating over Earth? If there is, I think it's time for us to freak the hell out. How does this go unnoticed by humanity? I'd think we'd all be in a lather that a giant fetus might start eating us--and that, my friend, would be a more logical end to the movie. Just pandemonium as the giant space baby licks its lips and reaches out for America.

There's no other day I can ask these things.

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