Thursday, September 27, 2012

Einstein's brain is now an interactive iPad app.

As in the real thing. The real Einstein brain. Not some sort of cute wannabe Angry Birds game. As in slices of Albert Einstein's brain, photographed, and digitized for your perusal.

When Einstein died in 1955, an autopsy removed his brain for research's sake. Slices of his brain were later divided-up and placed on slides for scientists to focus under microscopes. It was an old-timey age when John Wayne swaggered, Marilyn Monroe charmed, and MRIs didn't exist, never mind advanced technology of people's brains plastered on an iPad. But now a medical museum in Chicago digitized those old-timey slides of Einstein's brain and created an app, naturally.

So for $9.99 you, too, can lose your appetite and feel mentally inferior at the same time.

photo: National Museum of Health and Medicine Chicago, via Yahoo.

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