Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The most interesting website/art project in the world.*

Words are overrated little things.

Pictures, sometimes, are just better at sharing a story.

Which explains these:

These are all photos captured by Google Maps' Street View camera as it trolls across various streets, each just one photo in a sea of tens of trillions taken by Google cars as they motor past our homes and offices.

And Canadian artist Jon Rafman is the artist and patient gentleman that combs through Google Street View to find the random, sometimes unexplainable photos like we see here.

We all believe everything real is now CGI or Photoshopped. I know. So, because I'm a cynical bastard with delightful insomnia, I actually went into Google Street View to meticulously double check various spots (using businesses, street signs, etc. to mark the exact location,) and each photo I checked matched up exactly as Rafman posts.

Which is to say a tiger was actually trolling someone's parking lot and a baby crawling outside a Gucci store.

*Yaaaaah, hyperbole!

Whatever. It's freaking cool.

photos: Google, via

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