Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Quibble No. 6: It Got Passed.

Dear Scott,

You're running for Senate. Between you and your competitor, Elizabeth Warren, countless ads run on an endless loop. Neither of you wow me, but, hey, I understand. I get it.

What I don't get?

Poor English skills--like in this ad where you tell us about a bill you proposed in the Senate. "It got passed," you tell us.

Every single time, Scott. Every time this ad comes on and you tell me "it got passed" I want to run screaming into a wall at 100mph. You make $174,000 a year as a senator. You attended Tufts University and Boston College, where I assume they covered basic English skills at some point or another. So, stop saying "it got passed." Please? No, really--please? Instead, maybe try saying "it passed" or "the Senate passed it."

Don't believe those people who say you can't end a sentence with a preposition. They're as ignorant as your ad when it comes to the rules of English.

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