Monday, September 17, 2012

Lawsuit alleges University of Nebraska refused handicapped man from parking in handicapped spot.

Richard Norton Jr. has birth defects that make it difficult for him to walk. In Nebraska, this isn't allowed. Not when University of Nebraska football action is about to go down.

On a recent Saturday Norton took two children to the University of Nebraska's Morrill Hall for a research project, but couldn't find parking. All the handicapped parking spots were taken. When Norton asked a parking attendant why, he was told it was game day for the University of Nebraska football team, and that handicapped parking spots at Morrill Hall are "rented" to donors.

The lawsuit claims Norton was then directed to another parking lot a few blocks away--because, you know, one man's birth defects is another man's loss of money from some tailgaters, and we've got priorities here.

Norton drove to the second lot and was told he needed to pay $15 to park in a handicapped spot. When Norton claimed that it was illegal to charge for handicapped parking--and he wasn't there for the football game--the lot attendant allowed Norton to park under the condition Norton stay for only two hours, as he'd be towed if he was "even one minute late."

Nebraska football is about the only thing in existence in Nebraska. That, corn, cows, and desperation. So anyone arguing against the beloved school's behavior is usually claimed to be a damned dirty liar--which explains how the Lincoln Journal Star has an glowing report on "plentiful" handicapped parking on campus during game day. And some commentators to the story are equally riled-up:

Says someone named HuskerNation22:
Who in the world goes to a museum on a Husker game day? Priorities, people!

Says someone named Showtime:
My guess is this guy didn't want to or feel that it is right that he would have to pay $15 to park in said handicap spot on a game day Saturday. This is just a case of someone with too much time on their hands and looking to nail the university for something they have no clue about!!!

Says someone named Shannon S.:
You know what I do on game day Saturday, when I don't want to deal with the traffic or the parking? I stay home. Juss sayin.

And there you have it, folks. Get your priorities straight if you live in Nebraska. If you want handicapped parking, maybe you should just live in Kansas, Oklahoma, or any other worldly midwestern state that embraces birth defects.

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