Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fashionable Words: Brouhaha

[Sometimes words die out of fashion. But sometimes those words are good words, words with a certain appeal that can't be denied forever. Those words should be brought back into fashion, used frequently and used often. These are those words.]



1. A stir; a fuss or uproar.


We English-speaking folk imitate the French word of the same spelling. And as typical with English, we've taken a baseball bat to the knees and midsection of the French brouhaha and made it phonetically submit to our tongue. The French version sounds like you're having a stroke. The English version sounds like you're ready to start trouble. Brew-HA-HA!
[[throws over a table]]

Some claim the French version derives from devil representations in 16th century drama, in the vein of laugh. Brou, ha, ha! [[said in a pathetic attempt to sound ghoulish]]

Others claim the first use in French occurred in 1890, but don't note where. Let's assume it was a bunch of French ruffians in a throwdown outside a cafe in Montmartre after their croissant was overcooked.

Most obscure definition for brouhaha:

5. Any type of beer, preferably Natural Light.

Used in a sentence:

1. A brouhaha erupted in the kindergarten class between Bobby and Johnny over Suzy's affections.

2. There was a huge brouhaha over Suzy's statements about which was a better companion--Teddy Ruxpin or the Glo Worm.

Word Awesomeness Scale (1 to 5):

Two--if you say it in French.
Four--if you say it in English.

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