Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Chicago Bears cornerback doesn't much appreciate math teacher's homework.

Charles Tillman plays cornerback for the Chicago Bears, where every Sunday he tries to decapitate opponents.

Casey Bridge is an 8th grade advanced student in suburban Chicago. She decapitates math problems.

Here the twain shall meet.

Bridge was doing homework at a sporting goods store her dad manages. Tillman was at said store for an autograph shindig--when, lo and behold, little Casey Bridge came across the following problem on her homework written by her math teacher:

The Packers play the Bears 4 times in two seasons. The Packers, being a much better team, have an 80% chance of winning each game. What is the probability that the Bears win all four games? What is the probability that the Bears win at least one game?

Casey thought it'd be swell to walk up to Tillman and let him see what sort of math problem her teacher concocted. Being told he was on a much worse team by a two-bit math teacher, Tillman decided to leave a message for the math teacher, Mr. Amrein:

Mr. Amrein,
This is Charles "Peanut" Tillman of the Chicago Bears and I'm shocked that you would have a problem like this for your students. The probability that the Bears would win in my opinion is 100%. Please do not and I repeat DO NOT send them home with math homework that is disrespectful to our team, city and our beloved Chicago Bears.
Your All Pro Corner
Charles "Peanut" Tillman
Geaux Bears
P.S. Bear Down
For the moment, let's ignore the grammatical clusterbleep going on with both the math problem and Tillman's response, or the Louisiana bayou spellings popping up, too.

Instead, let's focus on Tillman's psychological manipulation of the situation and going full caps with his demands of NOT sending children home with such math problems. It's probably advisable not to irk a gentleman whose job description requires potential paralysis of people.

In the end, little Casey Bridge showed Mr. Armein what Tillman had to say, and Armein gave her an A. Intimidation and self-preservation goes a long way.

The photo of Bridge's homework and Tillman's response, via Reddit, via Yahoo:

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