Tuesday, April 24, 2012

For what it's worth, Maine is the most peaceful state in America.

The United States Peace Index came out today, which gauges a state's overall peacefulness on a variety of levels (violent crime, incarceration rates, handgun ownership, number of Peter, Paul & Mary albums owned, etc.). And no other state is channeling its inner Flower Child more than Maine* apparently.

All of New England fared well, too. Even the metro region report came back glowingly, saying the Cambridge/Newton/Framingham, MA, area is the most peaceful metro region in the entire country.

I assume my hometown of Somerville--which borders Cambridge--is included in that region, too, which is a little disappointing. I just lost a little street cred. Guess I'm going to have to get some temp teardrop tattoos on my face and pack a water gun to show I'm still hardcore, yo.

*That's because they're all dead from boredom.

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