Thursday, August 18, 2011

College librarian was the Deep Throat of opera world.

And that didn't sit well with The Met, New York's premier opera house.

It seems Bradley Wilber--head reference librarian at Houghton College in upstate New York--loves opera. So much so, he created a website where he'd break news about potential singers for upcoming shows, mainly at The Met.

This is big news if you love the opera, I guess. I don't know how operas work beyond lots of loud singing in Italian by people wearing Charlie Chaplin makeup. But, hey, whatever floats your boat.

The Met didn't appreciate Wilber's passion, and didn't like being upstaged on breaking news within their own house. So, according to Wilber, The Met politely (his words) asked him to stop the website. And he did.

This is how college librarians and opera houses scuffle. It's polite, reserved, and sort of anti-climactic. Kind of like dating me when I was 16.

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