Thursday, June 9, 2011

NPR: "3 Memoirs That Won't Make You Slit Your Wrists."

In other words, books not written by Cormac McCarthy?

Except good ol' Cormac didn't write a memoir--least I don't think so--but if he has, I wager it involves creative ways to kill someone and people who weren't loved enough as children.

NPR has a little side show to their website called ThreeBooks--where they pick (wait for three books with a very loose common theme they think you should read.

But this is NPR after all. NPR = No Personality Really. Their idea of wrist-slitting is probably my idea of a hot read. Don't believe me? Look at the comments by readers of the NPR article who take umbrage over the wrist-slitting headline.

Someone named Tiffany from Jacksonville, FL, says: Wow. The stigma in the headline alone is horrifying. NPR, you're the last source I would have expected something like this from. [You mean that NPR is the last group you'd expect to have a sense of humor? I know!]

Sheila from Michigan: Hmm...that's a pretty insensitive headline. [Indeed, insensitive to the people multitasking with wrist-slitting and reading NPR at the same time.]

Diana from Chicago:
Um, dude, that title is extremely inappropriate. Have some class, NPR. [Potentially the only adult woman to use the word "dude" in a serious context in the last fifty years.]

Sleeve Heart from Oregon: "3 Memoirs That Won't Make You Light That Dynamite Cigar" has a little more class. [Just goes to show you that it's nearly impossible to tell the difference between NPR listener rage and their idea of humor.]

James from Unknown Regions: Apparently some have not experienced the trauma associated with losing a loved one in such a manner. While I'm not for censorship, a little sensitivity could go a long way. [Sensitivity is something I don't think the listeners of NPR lack.]

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