Wednesday, April 6, 2011

In another era, The Wire would've been a Charles Dickens novel.

The Wire was an HBO drama that never received the hype of The Sopranos or Sex and the City.

But The Sopranos and Sex and the City never had a cult following that created a pseudo-Victorian novel based on it.

Okay, so officially neither has The Wire. But The Hooded Utilitarian website made a blog post pretending to unearth a whole faux Victorian novel of The Wire, including pages of faked text and typical Victorian novel drawings you'd expect to see in anything of Dickens, like the one you see to the left.

Maybe, someday, someone will make a Tony Soprano blog post in the vein of a Wilkie Collins Victorian mystery novel. If there's anything that can be said about Wilkie's work it's that it's always lended itself to pinkie rings and men shouting "Bada bing!"

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