Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lack of money can also mean an inability to afford a Ferrari.

You might want to sit down for a second, because I'm going to blow your mind with knowledge.

According to the United Nations and something they call the Millennium Development Goal, poor countries face an education crisis.

In other breaking news, starving people report lack of food can really lead to slimmer, sexier waistlines. News at 11!

Really now--do we need the UN to tell us this? Was there some confusion over how poverty works? Did someone get tripped up and think poverty led to $100 million high schools and swanky uniforms for the school baseball team?

Now, I don't consider myself the brightest guy alive, but let me try and piece this together:

1.) A worldwide organization, run by very affluent people, spent a large sum of money--millions most likely--to do some research.

2.) This research was aimed at figuring out which countries had better schooling.

3.) Millions of dollars in research told them being poor can really crimp someone's style if they want to learn.

4.) Ta-dah!

The fissure currently developing over your eyebrows is your mind being blown. Don't panic. That's completely natural.

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