Monday, September 19, 2016

Yeah, but how's Eeyore going to take the news?

Looks like Christopher Robbin is day drinking again.

To celebrate the 90th anniversary of Winnie-the-Pooh's first book, an authorized sequel will come out next month in the form of four short stories written by four different children's authors.

One of the authors, Brian Sibley, has decided to introduce a new character into the world of Pooh Corner. In his short story, The Best Bear in All the World, on a cold and snowy day Penguin arrives and befriends Pooh. As the name implies, Penguin is just that, a penguin, one that apparently has bad directional skills since he's somehow ended up in a remote British wood.

"The thought of Pooh encountering a penguin seemed no more outlandish than his meeting a kangaroo and a tiger in a Sussex wood, so I started thinking about what might have happened if, on a rather snowy day, Penguin had found his way to Pooh Corner," said Sibley to The Guardian, trying to sound all rational and reasonable.

Indeed, Sibley's motivation came from an old photo he saw of Winnie-The-Pooh's original author, A.A. Milne, playing with his son in the 1920s, a photo that includes the original Winnie-the-Pooh teddy bear playing alongside a nameless penguin.

Squeak looks as charming as muscle for the mob.

The famed Harrod's of London, which sold all the original toys that inspired the characters, told The Guardian that it believes the Milnes might have been playing with a toy the department store sold in the 1920s, a rigid, stock-still penguin the store named Squeak.

We all really know this just means Eeyore is being pushed to the side again. No one ever mentions Eeyore, and Penguin is now compounding matters. Poor Eeyore's just going to enter a level of donkey ennui unmatched in the animal kingdom at this point.

Photograph: Culture Club/Getty Images

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