Tuesday, August 23, 2016

So which college or university sent the most students to the 2016 Olympics?

There is no major rhyme or reason explaining which schools sent the most students to the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, just like there's no rhyme or reason to Ryan Lochte. Some things defy explanation.

In U.S. News and World Report's list of the top 11 schools sending the most students to the Games (you know, ties happen, like in the Olympics--everyone gets a bronze!), you find Ivy League, Big 10, Big 12, SEC, and Pac 10 schools.

The list:
1.  Stanford University, 29 students
2.  University of California-Berkeley, 16
3.  UCLA, 15
3.  USC, 15
5.  Penn State University, 13
5.  UNC-Chapel Hill, 13
7.  University of Oregon, 12
7.  University of Texas-Austin, 12
9.  University of Washington, 11
9.  Princeton University, 11
9.  University of Georgia, 11

If you're wondering where your no-name NCAA Division III backwater Podunk of a powerhouse college ranks, let's assume not too high.

Unless Cheetos consumption becomes a competitive sport, plenty of us from no-name schools will have to find our rooting interest in the athletes that matter. Like that flag bearer guy from Tonga. Nobody flag beared better at flag bearering like that guy. He won, like, six gold medals in flag bearing, I think.

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