Friday, July 15, 2016

That's not God calling. That's the student debt collector.

Twenty-eight year old Alida Taylor said she felt the call of God to enter a vocational life. As a result, she tried to join the New York City's Sisters of Life Convent on the Upper West Side.

Except the convent wouldn't allow Taylor to study to become a nun. Was it because they felt Taylor's soul tingling with the spirit of the Devil? Nah. It's because Taylor still owed $18,000 in student loan debt.

"Religious life is a full-time job, so to speak, so she wouldn't be able to work and enter into religious life," Sr. Mariae Agnus Dei told CBS2 in New York.

Jesus is on-call 24/7, amiright, Sister??

Under Roman Catholic canon law, one cannot join a life of religious study if they have a debt that would otherwise be impossible to pay. That $20,000 in credit card debt you have for all your designer clothes? Surprisingly not helpful when trying to get tight with Jesus.

Alas, prayers were answered. Taylor started a GoFundMe page to raise $12,000 of that debt, and donations flew in, including an anonymous $4,505 donation.

Meaning God might be the biggest debt relief agency going.

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