Monday, April 4, 2016

Walmart failed geography class in grade school.

Twitter user Samantha Ficco noticed something a little off when recently shopping at Walmart.

The University of Maryland t-shirts on display showed the state of Maryland's girthier sibling, Massachusetts, instead, and alerted them in the most polite tweet ever posted:

Easy mistake! We're all gaining weight as we become older, so who's to say Maryland didn't go a size up on their waistband?

As a refresher, this is Maryland:

And this is Massachusetts:

Looks like typical middle aged bloat to me!

Walmart was practical when alerted to this snafu, and quickly apologized and claimed responsi--

Oh, ha! No, wait, they didn't.

Obviously, Who hasn't been confused? I'm always tripped up because Florida has that huge dippy thing dangling off it like Massachusetts has, too. Geography is hard! Such shapes!

Eventually, Walmart backpedaled and realized their mistake.

But not before Massachusetts gained a complex for being chubby.

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