Wednesday, January 13, 2016

You'll never look at a Walgreens the same way again.

Researchers claim they have identified the site where the accused from the Salem Witch Trials were hanged. It overlooks a modern-day Walgreens.

The story popularized in Arthur Miller's fictionalized play The Crucible has long been in the consciousness of American history, but no one knew for certainty where the hangings occurred.

Using "advanced mapping techniques" and cross-researching eyewitness accounts with stories of the events surrounding the hangings, historians believe with without a doubt that those executed for being witches were killed on top of a wooded hill in Salem, MA, which today is called Proctor's Ledge, where a small monument will be erected. And, yes, the hillside looks down upon a Walgreens.

But I think we all kind of look down on Walgreens. It's no CVS.

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