Thursday, November 26, 2015

Nothing says holiday gift giving like the blood-thirsty rage of 'Game of Thrones.'

Usually every year on Black Friday someone gets trampled in a stampede at a random strip mall box store because there's a poorly made 50in HDTV for $29.99, of which there's only three in stock in the entire store--BUT YOU MUST HAVE IT. The bloodshed that ensues channels everything beautiful about King Joffrey from Game of Thrones.

But if you want to skip the chaos, you can just buy Game of Thrones gifts:

For your city friend who's also a GoT geek--or just that special lackluster suburban person in your life who needs guidance--here's a wannabe subway map detailing Westeros.

For anyone from a rural location, this just looks like scribbles from a preschooler hopped up on Swizzle Stix.

Looking to come across as sexy as possible for that ugly sweater holiday party? Is red your color? Do you just want to confuse non-geeks and make them think there's a weather report on your chest? Then there's this sweater available. Très chic!

Want to jazz up that sweater? Do you have a misshapen head you want to hide? Good news. These lovely hats subtly suggest everything beautiful and cutting edge you've come to associate with fashion from 1987.

When in doubt, there are always some small, stuffed dire wolves to give the little one in your life. Sure, dire wolves eat the face off anyone they don't like--but they're so cute and adorable!!! What child could resist murderous stuffed animals?

Available @ HBO, Amazon, and Etsy

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