Saturday, October 10, 2015

Saturday Morning PSA of The Week: Dracula is in cahoots with cable television.

Today's public service announcements are all information and no imagination--but yesteryear's? Those were full of drama, plot lines, and cameos from B-grade celebrities, all wedged into one minute of absolute fantasticness.

Consider this a trip back in time to when PSAs were sometimes worth watching more than the Saturday morning cartoons.

This week's PSA:  This is why you pay through the nose for your television.

Random Thoughts and Questions:
1.) Looks like not too many people signed the petition in the lobby of the theater.
2.) If a grown man is clutching a headboard while sleeping, he has deeper-seeded issues in life.
3.) Maybe that triceratops just wants some warmth off the tv. Like a cat.
4.) Why does Dracula always go for blondes?
5.) I'm confused by the hexagon that turns into a monster face. Wait, what...what's going on? When did this become avant-garde?

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