Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Horton hears a new book: New Dr. Seuss book to be released 24-years after his death.

Theodore Geisel--better known as Dr. Seuss--died 24-years ago, but that hasn't stopped his production.

The Cat in the Hat author and illustrator worked on multiple projects right up until his death, but that means multiple projects remained unpublished--and largely undiscovered--until now.

What Pet Should I Get? will be published on July 28, 2015, a project found in a box of sketches and text that Geisel completed before his death but remained largely unnoticed by his widow until 2013. The book features two characters previously seen in Dr. Seuss's earlier book, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish. Likewise, at least two other brand new Dr. Seuss books will be released by publisher Random House from the same found sketches and text.

It's kind of like Dr. Seuss is Tupac with these posthumous releases. And I think we all know Dr. Seuss and Tupac were connected down deep.

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