Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Dumbledore actor has quit acting on the stage, says his memory is fading.

We all knew Dumbledore was supposed to be an older guy, but it's sad nonetheless.

Michael Gambon, who has portrayed Dumbledore in most of the Harry Potter films, announced in a Sunday Times interview that he needs to quit working in theater for one simple reason. He can't remember his lines.

“It’s a horrible thing to admit, but I can’t do it. It breaks my heart. It’s when the script’s in front of me and it takes forever to learn. It’s frightening,” the 74-year old actor confessed.

Gambon tried using an ear piece with someone feeding him lines, but it was a short experience.

"[A]fter about an hour, I thought, ‘This can’t work.’ You can’t be in theater, free on stage shouting and screaming and running around, with someone reading you your lines," he said.

As a result, the actor will still do movies, but has given up working in theater.

Voldemort wins again.

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