Saturday, August 2, 2014

Saturday Morning PSA of The Week: Robocop is really bugged by pills and smack.

Saturday mornings are known for two things: Saturday morning cartoons and Saturday morning public service announcements.

Today's PSAs are all information and no imagination--but yesteryear's? Those were full of drama, plot lines, and cameos from B-grade celebrities, all wedged into one minute or less of absolute fantasticness.

Consider this a trip back in time to when PSAs were sometimes worth watching more than the cartoon.

This week's PSA:  Drugs. Drugs bug him.

Random thoughts and questions:
1.)  Wait a minute--Robocop was this dweeb?
2.)  "If you're a kid, please listen for a second." Heads-up adults, you're free to dabble in all the smack and crack you want.
3.)  "How do you keep away from drugs? They're everywhere, sometimes even at home." I think he's suggesting Nancy Allen is a crack fiend.
4.)  If drugs are everywhere, I assume Robocop is doing a crap job policing the streets.

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