Thursday, March 13, 2014

Your Tumblr could win you a lucrative book publishing contract!!!

No, not really, but it's fun to live in a world of make believe. Mr. Roger's taught us all that.

Chronicle Books, based out of San Francisco, has announced that they're searching for a new book based on someone's Tumblr account.

They've published book versions of blogs before (they emphasize Fuck! i'm in my twenties and Dads are the Original Hipsters as two blogs-begat-books that are "hilarious"--which is cute, because Fuck! stopped being funny about twenty years ago), and are on the hunt for the newest wannabe Awkward Family Photos they can turn into a money making coffee table book.

Martin Rouse at Melville House mentions that last year's Chronicle search ended up in a book deal.

Moreover, last year’s winner actually did get that coveted publishing deal. Paul Laudiero’s Sh*t Rough Drafts (based on his tumblr of the same name) will be published on April 15th, and is available for pre-order on Amazon—clear evidence that he has #madeit and is #livinglarge.

You know what else is clear evidence?

Hashtags need to go away. #ThanksTwitter #Stopwritinglikethis #GAAAAAAAH #Mygrandmasaysi'mspecialbecauseiknowhowtousepunctuation

Photo and h/t: TheWeek

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