Monday, March 17, 2014

Note: It's Paddy, not Patty.

Those named Patrick read like a who's who of B-level talent from human history. From actors (Swayze, Duffy, Dempsey) to athletes (Ewing, Rafter, Kuhl, Kane), politicians (Henry, Buchanan) to pop stars (Monahan, Morrisey), few areas of expertise have ever been dominated by someone named Patrick.

Except saints. Patricks own sainthood.

Being St. Patrick's Day, it seemed like as good a day as any to set people right on the proper nickname for someone named Patrick, and of all places the Dublin Airport came to the rescue today with this post to their Facebook page:

See, Patty comes from the feminine Patricia. Paddy comes from the masculine Pádraig. Patrick itself evolved from the Latin patricius (which also came from the current word patrician)--as did Pádraig. In short, Patrick is just the English variant of Pádraig.

Put another way, English Patrick is just the B-grade Irish Pádraig.

Patricks also own the market on game show hosts and hardcore televangelists. Pat Sajak and Pat Robertson? I know, it's impressive

photo: ABC NEWS

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