Friday, January 10, 2014

The 25 Coldest Colleges in North America

The polar vortex that's gripped North America has led to lists like this, as reported by College Prowler.

The website based their rankings on average high and low temperatures during the winter and summer, average precipitation amounts during those two seasons, as well as student reviews on the weather. Because why use science to back up a list when you can ask Johnny, an incoming freshman poli-sci major, his take how chilly he feels?

The result? Ten of the twenty-five colleges exist in Minnesota, six in Wisconsin, and three in Vermont. Somehow, no school from Alaska made the cut--this, despite the University of Alaska Fairbanks being home to regular everyday winter high temperatures in the -15°F to -40°F range.

Once those students thaw out around July, we can ask them for their take.

photo: The Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Looks balmy to me!

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