Monday, October 7, 2013

'Poopetrator' attacking Yale laundry rooms.

The Yale Daily News reports
someone has been terrorizing the Saybrook College laundry room by defecating on clothing left behind in dryers. The 'Poopetrator' has delivered their calling card of chaos on unattended clothes four times in the past month.

Student Lucy Fleming, who had her clothes soiled by the turd terrorist, tells the student newspaper, "The fact that this could happen at Yale is shocking to me. Think about what this means for our community."

It means someone needs to invest in some Charmin.

The best part of the article is in the comments, where Yalies show they can keep things in perspective:

"How could something like this happen at Yale? It would NEVER happen at Harvard, Princeton, or Columbia. Just saying..."

"The perp will fit right in with the #OccupyWallStreet crowd."

"I am letting loose a wail of shame and fear! A sad day for all Yale students, faculty, janitors, and most of all parents."

A "wail of shame and fear."

A wail. Of shame. And fear.

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