Saturday, October 12, 2013

Nobel laureates grow like cabbages in Canada.

In all the hubbub of Alice Munro's inability to answer her telephone, the Nobel organization's Twitter feed also shared random facts associated with Munro's win. These include:

  • There have been 110 winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature
  • Alice Munro is the 13th woman to win.
  • With her selection, Munro is the 27th Laureate in Literature to write in the English language.
  • Munro is the 17th Nobel winner born in Canada.

The total is 23 Canadians if you count those born elsewhere that later moved to Canada. That's 23 winners in all categories--be it literature, chemistry, physics, etc. For a country with only 33.5 million people, that's not bad.

Only one Canadian has won the Nobel Peace Prize though. Lester B. Pearson won in 1957 for helping broker peace during the Suez Canal Crisis that started a year earlier. By comparison, 21 Americans have won the Nobel Peace Prize.

The logical conclusion here? Canadians are war-loving peace haters.

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