Monday, October 28, 2013

Connecticut College study: Oreos are as addictive as cocaine and morphine.

Lab rats prefer the creamy white center of an Oreo, too, according to the study which looked to the potential addictiveness of foods.

Researchers used rice cakes as an alternative food source for the rats to see which food they preferred (those comedian scientists!) and--yeah--rice cakes are lame when compared to cookie deliciousness. As the scientists explained to the Hartford Courant, "Just like humans, rats don't seem to get much pleasure out of eating [rice cakes]."

Similarly, researchers injected the rats with cocaine and morphine and looked to see how much neuron activity was associated in the pleasure centers of the brain when compared to the Oreo indulgence. The results? More neurons of pleasure sparked to the Oreos than to the drugs.

According to one researcher, Oreos might be more dangerous than the booger sugar of cocaine because "you don't have to go behind into a dark alley to buy them. You go into any grocery store or bodega and they are highly available and affordable."

That was quite possibly the first time in history a scientist referred to Oreos and bodegas in the same sentence regarding research.

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