Monday, January 14, 2013

"Hobbit Human" fossils discovered in Indonesia.

Researchers recently discovered bones belonging to Homo floresiensis--nicknamed the "Hobbit Human"--and other evidence that gives greater insight to this stubby creature's life.

Standing at a robust 3'6", the Hobbit Human was very similar to human beings, according to Caley Orr, author of the paper on the findings in the Journal of Human Evolution. (Always a hot read.)

Hobbit Humans had canine teeth (like us!), walked on two feet (like us!), used stone tools (like us!), and even used fire (like the dangerous pyromaniac in all of us!).

Critics point out that Hobbit Humans aren't human though, as they have some distinct differences. A sloping forehead, arms proportionately longer than their legs, no bony chin, and a tiny brain are just a few differences the Hobbit Human have with homo sapiens.

But the Hobbit Human's feet? As Orr told Discovery, "Remarkably, the feet were also long relative to the legs, as fantasy fans might expect of a Hobbit."

Personally, I expect hairy toes, bad hygiene, and Samwise Gamgee saying uncomfortable things to Frodo at various points--but that's just me.

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