Thursday, December 6, 2012

Merriam-Webster's Top Ten Words of 2012

The 2012 presidential election has ended, but the linguistic effects shall linger on for years to come.

According to Merriam-Webster, the top ten words most searched by volume in 2012 are all heavily influenced by fleeting election moments that weren't so fleeting after all.

Socialism and capitalism tied for first place in the list, mainly as extensions of political debate over health care.

The entire top ten list:

1. socialism and capitalism

2. touché

3. bigot

4. marriage

5. democracy

6. professionalism

7. globalization

8. malarkey

9. schadenfreude

10. meme

Malarkey was a Fashionable Word on this blog back in September. In October, Vice President Joe Biden used the word during the vice presidential debate and is credited with reigniting interest in the word.

In essence, I've got my fingers on the pulse of speech patterns of 70-year old men.

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