Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Man pulls gun on elementary school kids because they made fun of his Confederate flag bumper sticker.

Joshua P. Dalton was driving his pickup truck in Virginia Beach, VA, when he had to stop behind a school bus unloading children.

Some children who got off of the bus immediately turned around and told the driver Dalton was aiming a gun at them.

The driver returned the children to the school and alerted authorities.

According to police, Dalton aimed the gun at the children after they made fun of a Confederate flag bumper sticker on his pickup.

He was arrested, charged with two misdemeanor counts of brandishing a firearm, and released on bond.

No word on what exactly the students said, but something along the lines of we're actually educating ourselves  or  you guys lost might have done the trick.

As a fun game, re-read the above story and count how many stereotypes about the south you can detect. If by the end of re-reading it you aren't humming the Dukes of Hazzard theme song, you're not trying hard enough.

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