Saturday, September 1, 2012

98-year-old message in a bottle found.

Please hold while we partake in this musical interlude:

What we take away from this is that it sucked The Police broke up. They make R.E.M. look like amateur hour at Kowloon's on Rt. 1 in Saugus.

What we take away from this #2: Sting pulls off the bow-tie look fairly well.

What we take away from this #3: A Scottish fisherman found a message in a bottle recently, the oldest ever found on record. It's from 1914, when the Scottish government released 1,890 bottles in an effort to understand undercurrents in the seas off Scotland. The letter inside asks the finder to tell the government where you found it, and offers a reward of a sixpence.

The sixpence was rendered obsolete in 1971.

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