Monday, August 27, 2012

Holy guacamole! Dunkin' Donuts says people drink coffee in the workplace!

If that surprises you, you must also be surprised by peek-a-boo and jack-in-the-boxes.

DunkinDonuts and CareerBuilder conducted a survey about Americans' behavior patterns with coffee in the workplace. Get ready for the shock of your life--but a coffee company and a job-hunting website says people have enough caffeine pumping through their bloodstream at the workplace to kill a herd of water buffalo.

According to the results, people living in the Northeast are the biggest caffeine junkies. And writers? Professors? Education administrators? All addicted to the black beauty. No!!!

Next thing you'll tell me writers are addicted to drugs and alcohol and are emotionally unstable!

Infographic by Ryoko Iwata.

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