Thursday, September 22, 2011

Professor dies. School forgets to tell the students.

University of Pennsylvania political science professor, Dr. Henry Teune, didn't have a pleasurable springtime this year. He died.

The university still allowed students to enroll in his class for this fall though.

Lo and behold, no one told the students Teune died months earlier and, uhhhhh, that class was cancelled. So students showed up to class and waited for Teune to arrive.

And waited.

And waited.

An hour after class started, someone in the Poli-Sci office emailed all the students the news that--hey! guess what?!--you'll be waiting a long while for Teune! Because, you know, he's dead!

At least Teune had the decency to not show up. Who hasn't had a class where the professor was dead but still taught week after week?

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