Friday, September 16, 2011

Conan the Barbarian probably doesn't appreciate late papers.

Conan the Barbarian has had an illustrious career. Who can forget the time he helped destroy the Aquilonian outpost of Venarium, or the time he battled the ape man, Thak? I know I won't.

But times have changed. Conan has a Ph.D now, based off a dissertation entitled: "To Hear the Lamentation of Their Women: Constructions of Masculinity in Contemporary Zamoran Literature." According to a cached version of the Trinity College website, Conan is now a professor at the Dublin college, teaching among other things:

Vengeance for Beginners
The Relevance of Crom in the Modern World
Theories of Literature
Deciphering the Riddle of Steel
D.H. Lawrence

He earned his position at the college "after successfully decapitating his predecessor in a bloody battle which will long be remembered in legend and song."

Of course, the Trinity College website is cached because it doesn't exist anymore. Trinity took it down. Their English department website was hacked.

Which is disappointing. I was looking forward to a class next spring called "Pillaging: The Plagiarism of the Land."

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