Wednesday, July 20, 2011

All the cool kids examine coupons for bad grammar and spelling.

You know those coupons you get in your junk mail? You know, the Val-Pak envelope wedged inside the grocery store circulars telling you boneless chicken breasts are $1.99 a pound this week? Those ones. (Still confused? Ask your grandma. She and I have our fingers on the pulse of excitement.)

The coupons are offered by companies--some mom and pops, some national chains, all local--looking to promote something.

It's safe to say that something isn't promoting English skills.

Randomly Capitalizing words is always An Annoying thing for an english Major to see.

Ever ever?

And guess what?! Full sentences inside parentheses need a period, too.

Do you have?

Sounds like a bad movie subtitle on a Chinese bootleg.

This is just bad for their ideas of fun.

a.] ...because beach balls are always a good idea around open flames.

b.] ...because paper lanterns and tiki torches are probably going to require a call to the fire department soon, too.

c.] ...because no one wants to use your extra, spare bathing suits, no matter how many times you claim you've washed them.

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