Sunday, May 15, 2011

To be honest, Toni Morrison was never setting trends with her hair.

Rutgers University came out with a list of speaking fees for celebrities.

Rumor has it that writers occasionally become celebrities. Like Stephen King and someone else, undoubtedly, that is so famous I can't recall them right now.

Well, it seems Toni Morrison (a writer rumored to be famous among Nobel Prize winners and Tony Toni Toné fans) makes $30,000 per public speaking engagement. This would sound pretty good until you realize that everyone's favorite human gnome, Snooki, from The Jersey Shore, apparently makes $32,000.

The reasoning for Snooki's extra two grand? She actually answers questions from the audience and talks with people. Toni Morrison refuses.

That's because Toni Morrison is just living up to the stereotype that writers are really socially awkward talking with people and/or pompous individuals. Which is hard to believe, because Toni Morrison has always seemed so relatable to...someone.

Not me, though. I send my man servant off to answer all letters sent to this blog. The little people mean a lot.

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