Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Wall Street Journal is helpful.

You know all those times your father gets red in the face because you chose to go to a no-name state school instead of a semi-known private school? Now you can tell him to get his blood pressure in check. A poll shows that odds are your school's name barely matters. Plus, heart disease is a killer, so he should exercise more. (Health tips are always free from me!)

The Wall Street Journal polled 10,700 college graduates and asked: "How important was your undergraduate school's reputation and connections to your current job/career success?"

The percentage of respondents saying it was?

Environmental engineering - 59%
Civil engineering - 57%
Engineering - 51%   (I'm noticing a trend)
Chemical engineering - 47%

In fact, only three majors reported over 50% in the affirmative, and other than business, all the leading majors are math-based.

English majors? Only 35%.

Of course, the WSJ goes on to say that most majors outside of math/science don't end up working in that field. You mean all those Russian Art History majors aren't deciphering the history of Russian art after graduation? (((gasp)))

Just don't tell your father that. What he doesn't know won't kill him.

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