Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Forbes Magazine: Your school is just not that pretty.

Forbes Magazine likes ranking things. It's the only way someone without the last name Forbes would bother reading Forbes Magazine after all.

So lo and behold, Forbes ranked what they call The Most Beautiful College Campuses. It's like the Miss Universe Pageant. That means Oxford, Princeton, and Stanford Universities all look beautiful in the evening gown competition. And do I even need to mention how attractive the University of Virginia looks in swimwear? Très chic!

The real head-scratcher is Kenyon College. It's one of those colleges you forget exists until you hear it mentioned in a list like Most Beautiful College Campuses. Forbes interviewed a student named Ellie Norton who talks about visiting 15 colleges and universities as a high school senior. She settled on Kenyon College because of a rational reason. "It was so amazingly beautiful, I just knew it was where I wanted to be."

I felt the same way about Fitchburg State back in the day. The Civic Center parking lot was so expansive, I just knew it was where I wanted to park for the next four years.

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