Monday, December 20, 2010

And this is the face of a woman who says "whatever" to your speech patterns, too.

While we're at it, Marist College came out with their yearly Annoying Word of 2010. For the second year in a row, "whatever" won, this time with 39% of the vote.

Apparently Marist heard my angry grandma-esque Fist Shake of Fury over last year's complete lack of the word "like" in their poll. This is because "like" came in second this year, earning 29% of derision.

The runners-up:

3rd: you know what I mean - 15%
4th: to tell you the truth - 10%
5th: actually - 5%

Marist breaks it down into a spreadsheet to tell you how people voted by age, race, education, location, etc. Last year, I noted that 12% of all Midwesterners had no opinion. This year, 9% of respondents over the age of 60 had no opinion.

This poll is flawed then. Everyone knows college students and the elderly complain more than anyone else. It's in our genetic coding. It's impossible not to.

I mean, just look at this blog. Then look at that angry grandmother in the photo above.

It's called synergy, folks.

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