Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sounds like superhero discrimination to me.

The British are nothing if not crafty. Americans are nothing if not slow to hear about things. Here the two shall meet.

Apparently there's a wee little village in England called Westbury-sub-Mendip that has taken do-it-yourself crafts to a new level. They bought a retired phone booth for one pound, and converted it into a library. The BBC reported this back in November. But we're located in New England, where I like to think our folksy demeanor and casual attitude means we're allowed a two month window to report on such things.

As the photo suggests, it's a bit cramped in this library. According to the BBC, the library rules aren't stuffy. Simply bring a book and replace the one you take. Admittedly, selection is a bit thin, but there's a solid chance you'll only have yourself to blame.

What this story really shows is that Superman once again gets shafted by the general public. The poor man just wants to save lives and get changed in a semi-private phone booth, preferably without you and your grandma scoping out the latest racy tome available while he pulls on his tights. Alas, if we must discriminate against superheroes in order to create more libraries...well...sorry, Batman. Your cave is next.

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