Monday, January 13, 2014

Report: NYC school smells of urine, has no books, forces children to watch 'Alvin and the Chipmunks.'

The New York Post reports about potentially the worst elementary school in America, PS 106 in Far Rockaway Queens, described as an "isolated building" sitting "surrounded by vacant, weed-choked lots" where "the road behind it [is] strewn with trash bags and broken TVs."

Inside it doesn't get much better. According to the Post, rooms allegedly smell like animal urine, rats can be heard crawling through walls, and the school nurse's office has no refrigerator, sink, or cot.

The education matches the surroundings, as sources tell the newspaper students have no textbooks, there is no gym class or art taught, no reading or math programs exist--and during down periods students are made to watch "Fat Albert," "Alvin and the Chipmunks," and "Monsters, Inc."

The principal at the school is Marcella Sills, who reportedly is routinely late or absent from work, all the while making $128,207.

Making things go from bad to bizarre, the Post reports today that Sills requires fifth grade students to attend a formal ball dressed like little brides and grooms, turning this into a creepy TLC show if there ever was one. Rules require that girls must wear white dresses and boys tuxedos and tails, at a cost of $110 for every parent. This for a school where 98% of the students come from families so poor that they're eligible for free lunches.

Schools Chancellor Carmen FariƱa tells the Post she's going to look into PS 106 this week after finding these stories "deeply troubling."

What part of this is troubling? The rats and animal urine? The lack of textbooks? Or the whole creepy child bride theme?

Andy Rooney doesn't have point with this story, but his expression seems to serve its purpose for this.

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