Saturday, January 14, 2017

Saturday Morning PSA of The Week: Littering never had such a catchy jingle before!

Today's public service announcements are all information and no imagination--but yesteryear's? Those were full of drama, plot lines, and cameos from B-grade celebrities, all wedged into one minute of absolute fantasticness.

Consider this a trip back in time to when PSAs were sometimes worth watching more than the Saturday morning cartoons.

Today:  You don't even want to know what Mississippi's roads look like by comparison.

Random Thoughts and Questions:
1.)  Wait--did the song just start out by calling me trash??
2.)  You really have to commend the state of Tennessee for admitting a sizable portion of its population is trash. That takes some guts.
3.)  I think I'm more impressed that this convertible can hold that much garbage. That's a testament to some quality leg room right there.
4.)  Is this a PSA about littering or the lack of state police oversight on Tennessee highways?
5.)  Don't we all really want to know who cleaned up all the trash after they filmed this? Like a gusty breeze didn't come around and send thousands of pieces of "fake" litter off into becoming "real" litter.

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