Thursday, February 25, 2016

23-year old Russian pretends to be high school honors student.

Artur Samarin came to America four years ago and, for reasons unknown, decided to pretend to be a Pennsylvania high school student by the name of Asher Potts, which he did successfully. Very successfully. According to CBS News:

[Samarin was] a member of the National Honor Society. Samarin was actively involved at the school, working with a student advisory group on a food bank, and he was a member of the school's ROTC and Naval Sea Cadet programs.

Samarin was arrested and charged with, among other things, identity theft, even though he didn't steal anyone's identity. He simply created one.

The real crime here is he decided to go with Asher as a name. That's only acceptable if you want to sing bad pop music or be a reality TV star--not if you want to be a stellar high school student.

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