Monday, November 23, 2015

The indignerty of it all! UK wife tries to kill husband, done in by misspelling.

Note: Does not come in antifreeze flavor.

It's probably safe to assume Douglas Patrick wasn't a charmer, as he wasn't terribly well-liked by his wife Jacqueline, or his adult daughter Katherine. Both women plotted to kill him. One little problem popped up though: His wife wasn't the greatest speller.

The story:

Douglas, 70, was rushed to the hospital on Christmas Day 2013 after having an alcoholic drink called a cherry Lambrini, which is popular in the UK among teenagers as a cheap means to get drunk. Ol' Doug is a kid at heart!

But things seemed a little suspicious from everyone involved. First, ambulance drivers reported that his wife, Jacqueline, handed them a letter purportedly written by her husband that he never wanted to be resuscitated. Later, Jacqueline off-handedly mentioned that maybe her husband drank something blue by accident--antifreeze. Doctors quickly called the police.

Police noticed one quirk with Douglas's supposed letter: The word dignity was spelled "dignerty." Apparently Jacqueline was channeling her inner backwoods hillbilly from the Ozarks, because when police asked her to spell the word, well, lo and behold, she spelled it "dignerty" as well.

After tracking down the cellphones of both women, police had their case cracked. Texts between the two smooth criminals said, "I got the stuff I will give him some later delete txt tell no one ok" and "He feels sick again I gave him more delete this."

Katherine was sentenced to three years in prison. Jacqueline was sentenced to fifteen years, hopefully with dignerty.

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